We believe that the best education doesn’t happen in a classroom alone. It happens out there—in the wild, in the world—where students test themselves, work with their hands, and learn from nature. That’s why Paul Smith’s College is such a special place. Here, grit and determination meet the boundless opportunity of the Adirondacks. Our students learn through doing, carrying those lessons with them for the rest of their lives.

Paul Smith’s is The College That Works—not just in preparing students for meaningful careers, but in how we connect them to something bigger. Our students leave with calloused hands and sharp minds, having pushed themselves, failed, tried again, and ultimately succeeded. They understand that the world doesn’t hand you anything—you have to work for it. And they’re ready to do just that.

When you give to Paul Smith’s College, you’re investing in more than just education.

You’re supporting a community that values hard work, humility, and a deep connection to the natural world. You’re helping students find their path—whether it’s discovering new ways to protect our forests, mastering sustainable hospitality, or creating solutions for the challenges of tomorrow. And you’re ensuring that this incredible place continues to provide these experiences for generations to come.

Ways You Can Make an Impact:

  • Scholarships: Open the door for students who are ready to put in the work and make a difference.
  • Annual Fund: Keep our programs strong and give students the experiences that will shape their futures.
  • Capital Projects: Build spaces that inspire hands-on learning and deepen the connection between students and the land.
  • Endowment: Secure the future of Paul Smith’s College and its mission to shape resilient, resourceful leaders.

We’ve seen firsthand how Paul Smith’s changes lives. We’ve walked through its forests, watched our students push themselves to grow, and felt the spirit of this place in every interaction. This is more than a college—it’s a home for those who believe in the value of hard work, the beauty of the natural world, and the power of education to transform lives. We invite you to join us in supporting Paul Smith’s College, because when you give here, you’re giving to The College That Works, in the truest sense.

Giving inspires the future

Give online
Click here to give online now using your credit or debit card, or to learn about more giving options.

Give by phone
Please call us at (518) 327-6315 to make your gift by phone or to ask us about giving opportunities.

Give by mail
You may download this Printable-Giving-Form and send it, along with a check payable to Paul Smith’s College to:

Paul Smith’s College
Office of College Advancement
P.O. Box 265
Paul Smiths, NY 12970

Give a gift of securities
You will find the information you need to transfer a gift of securities to Paul Smith’s College on this downloadable form: 宝盈bbin官方登录-SECURITIES-TRANSFER-INSTRUCTIONS.

Matching gifts
Your gift to Paul Smith’s College could be matched if your employer participates in matching gifts. To find out if your employer matches gifts, click on our Matching Gifts Link. If they participate, please contact your Human Resources Department directly to initiate the matching gift.

Give through your will and become a member of the Phelps Smith Society
Paul Smith’s College has partnered with FreeWill. This partnership provides a resource to all Paul Smith’s College alumni and friends, allowing you to create your own will for free. Just click on FreeWill to get started today. Learn more about the Phelps Smith Society here.

Additional Ways of Giving
Explore additional ways of giving:  IP John Dillon ParkVICAWIEmployee GivingHeritage Tree Program and Paving the Way.
Set up a QCD
Over age 70.5? You can set up a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA.

Support Paul Smith's College


Your support is appreciated. Thank you.

girl reading at paul smiths college library

Giving Opportunities

Phelps Smith Society

We all want to give back to something that has been meaningful in our lives. Planned gifts are one way to do that. They provide creative, flexible and easy strategies for you to make a gift to Paul Smith’s College. The greatest benefit, however, lies in knowing you are supporting the work at Paul Smith’s College, and ensuring that the next generation of Paul Smith’s students has the same rewarding experiences as you did.

The Phelps Smith Society is named for the son of Paul Smith. His bequest of the Smith family land and wealth was the very beginning of Paul Smith’s College. The Phelps Smith Society recognizes and honors donors, alumni and the friends who have provided estate gifts through bequests, trusts and other life income arrangements.

Your gift can be directed to support programs that are close to your heart such as scholarships, endowed professorships or capital improvements, to name a few.

For more information, contact Andrea Wilcox, College Advancement, awilcox@mypersonalfriends.net.


The benefits of becoming a member of the Phelps Smith Society include:

  • Commemorative recognition gift
  • Special reception and estate planning sessions at reunion
  • Free admission to regional Alumni Receptions (reunion excluded)
  • In many cases, you can take a significant tax deduction while providing lifetime benefits for yourself or your loved ones
  • Most important of all—you can positively impact the life of the college and its students for generations to come

We’ll work with you and your financial advisors to create a strategy that meets your philanthropic and personal goals while shaping your legacy at Paul Smith’s.

The following types of gift commitments qualify you for membership in the Phelps Smith Society:

  • Bequests: The simplest method of creating a planned gift names Paul Smith’s College as the beneficiary of your will or revocable living trust.
  • Gifts of Retirement Assets & Life Insurance: Names Paul Smith’s as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or of the remaining principal in retirement, brokerage or financial accounts.
  • Gifts of Real Estate: Make a gift of real estate to Paul Smith’s College in a number of ways. Make an outright gift of your property or use it to create an agreement in which you retain the right to live in your home while permanently transferring the deed to the college.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity: Through a simple contract, you agree to make a donation of cash, stocks or other assets to Paul Smith’s College. In return, you (and someone else, if you choose) receive a fixed amount each year for the rest of your life.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts: Provides income each year for the rest of your life from the trust you create. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to Paul Smith’s College.
  • Charitable Lead Trust: You give assets to a trust that pays the college an income for a period of time, which you choose. The longer the term, the better the gift-tax savings for you. When the term is up, the remaining trust assets go to you, your family or other beneficiaries you select.